In this series, Misha conveys a fantasy-like, surrealistic reality, similar to a dreamlike experience. The images in it are exaggeratedly cute on the one hand and eerie on the other....
In this series, Misha conveys a fantasy-like, surrealistic reality, similar to a dreamlike experience. The images in it are exaggeratedly cute on the one hand and eerie on the other.
It is as if we are peering into this otherworld through a shaped canvas frame, memorizing, with its shape, a map of the starry sky or binoculars.
The plot and characters refer to various creepy content from the web, somebody like animatronics - mechanical growth dolls or Furby toys. In conveying an absurdist world in this series, the artist was inspired by the visual internet subculture of Wiredcor.
Creating such a magical world is an escapist attempt to escape from aggressive reality, an attempt to escape from it into a dreamlike world.