Katya Tsareva Russian, 1984

«In my works, I explore themes of space and identity, operating within the realm of aesthetic and sensual experiences. Currently, I am more focused on the perception of the human body as a form and its potential to be replaced by other forms, thereby creating novel semantic constructs that influence its interaction with the surrounding environment. I subject the body to transformation, altering contours, adding curves, folds, and holes, but without depriving it of its overall image, leaving the body within the bounds of perception.»

Katya Tsareva is a UK-based multidisciplinary artist who currently lives and works in London. Born in 1984 in Krasnodar, Russia, she graduated at MA Architecture and Design from Kuban State University, Russia with a degree in Architecture and Design (2006) and Chelsea Open Studio Short Course, Chelsea College of Arts, London, UK (April/May 2024). 


The artist focuses on transforming depicted models through found or self-taken photographs, modifying and refining them, which serve as the cornerstone of her painting practice. Adopting an academic painterly approach, she meticulously transfers the altered images onto canvas in a realistic manner. She experiments with a variety of materials such as acrylic, oil, watercolor and mixed media.


Each alteration of image or space contributes to a rich tapestry of meaning, prompting viewers to reassess their perception of the world and their place within it. Exploring multidimensional expression, she employs various mediums including installation, object creation, and video work to further engage audiences in her exploration of perception and self-reflection.